Curiosity Undermines Ideology

Curiosity, the innate desire to explore, ask questions, and seek out new knowledge, is fundamentally at odds with rigid ideological thinking. While curiosity opens the door to dynamic and evolving perspectives, ideology often seeks to lock those doors by promoting strict adherence to a predetermined set of beliefs. Curiosity undermines ideology by encouraging independent thinking, challenging dogma,...

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My Definition of Conservatism

Not All Conservatives Are the Same

I believe that individual liberty is paramount to a thriving society. Both in terms of speech and in freedom to pursue happiness. I believe in the non-aggression principle as a universal value. I believe that freedom of speech must always be paired with freedom of association. I believe that conservatism is not about resisting progress but about progressing carefully by leveraging skepticism, reason,...

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Abolition of Slavery Was a Founding Principle of the United States

The fallacy that slavery was foundational to the United States is a modern misconception, revealing only a partial understanding of the nation's founding. While it is true that some of the Founding Fathers, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were slave owners, the concepts of freedom and liberty were deeply embedded in the core beliefs that shaped the birth of the United States....

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Loneliness Ignites Insanity

Human beings are inherently social creatures, wired for connection and community. From the earliest days of human history, we have thrived in groups, relying on each other for survival, support, and companionship. Even introverts, who may prefer less social interaction than extroverts, still require meaningful human connections to maintain their mental well-being. When these connections are severed...

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The American Electoral College is Essential

The American Electoral College is a vital and often misunderstood component of the U.S. political system. Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not a pure democracy, it is a republic of sovereign states. This distinction is critical in understanding why the Electoral College exists and why it plays a significant role in preserving the delicate balance between states within the union. When...

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Increasing Minimum Wage Does Not Raise the Value of Labor

The debate over raising the minimum wage often centers on the well-being of low-income workers, but it's crucial to understand the broader economic implications. While increasing the minimum wage is built to help those at the bottom of the income ladder, it doesn't necessarily translate to a higher value of labour, which ultimately undermines the goal.  The forces of supply and demand...

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Human Creativity Is the Engine That Drives the World

Every groundbreaking invention, leap in technology, and transformation the world has witnessed is rooted in a single primal source: human creativity. It is the cornerstone of our species' advancement and plays a pivotal role in shaping civilizations. An examination of history reveals that most major quality-of-life improvements are not accidental byproducts or genetic mutations. Instead, they...

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Offence Is Not Given, It Is Taken

If you never stop looking for things to be offended by then you will never stop finding them.

The law of attraction dictates our thoughts and draws experiences into reality. Thus, if you feed your mind with negativity and become a permanent offence-seeker, the world will continually provide an almost infinite supply. In today’s culturally diverse society, where opinions differ as much as night and day, the offence can seem omnipresent. Yet when we become engrossed in seeking out what...

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Evil Is Rare. Fear Is Not

Be careful of mistaking one for the other

Evil. The word itself incites a visceral reaction, conjuring up images of terrifying ruthless dictators or malign supernatural entities. But how often do we really encounter such embodiments of malevolence in our daily lives? As sombre as it may be to consider the existence of evil in our world, it is essential to acknowledge that instances of pure evil are extreme. Fear, on the other hand,...

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Encourage Children to Develop a Dynamic Mind

In a rapidly evolving world that is advancing at every turn, the need to foster dynamic minds in children has never been more imperative. Children are not merely the future of society; they are its architects. Encouraging them to develop a dynamic mind that can leverage reason to overcome problems is essential for building resilient, innovative, and empathetic individuals. Problem-solving is a crucial...

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Borrowing What You Cannot Pay back Is Theft

In a world where credit and loans have become integral to our financial lives, the distinction between responsible borrowing and outright theft can sometimes blur. At its core, borrowing what you cannot pay back should be viewed critically. When you borrow something with no intention or ability to repay it, you cross a line from a mutually agreed upon transaction into theft. Borrowing, by definition,...

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There Is No Such Thing as Free

If you don't have to pay, someone else does

At first glance, socialist policies promising free healthcare or education can seem like a salve for societal discrepancies in access to these services. However, let us highlight that 'free' does not equate to without cost. It implies that somebody is bearing the brunt if you're not paying directly for it. Socialist economies offering free amenities like education and healthcare fund these...

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Government Enforced Generosity is Theft

Generosity is perhaps one of the most wonderful traits we can exhibit. But what happens when this generous spirit becomes mandated or coerced rather than voluntary? Voluntary generosity manifests as the selfless, willing act of sharing our resources with others. It might take the form of donations to help poverty-stricken communities, volunteering time at local shelters, or showing kindness by paying...

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Respect Is Not Owed, It Is Earned

Respect is a fundamental aspect of human interaction that tends to be overlooked and often misunderstood. This crucial element forms the binding agent for meaningful relationships, fostering mutual understanding, trust, and a sense of worth. But we often hear statements demanding respect, such as “I deserve respect” or “You owe me respect.” What's interesting here is the...

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Bolster Your Conviction by Challenging Your Own Beliefs

If they fail to withstand that challenge, discard them and advance your awareness

How would you react if someone were to challenge you about your strongly held beliefs right now? Many of us instinctively raise a defence, shielding our convictions under layers of justification. This is a universal human response to perceived threats. We feel secure within our familiar belief systems, which form the lens through which we perceive the world. What if we stopped for a moment and embraced...

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Always Examine Action Rather Than Speech

In the grand stage of life, brimming with varying perspectives, ideals, and actions, we are often caught in a moral quandary. This especially holds when deciphering 'who is the greater evil.' In such a debate, a critical examination reveals that it is not what is articulated in speeches but instead encapsulated in actions that genuinely unravel one's character. The common adage "Talk...

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Being Victimized Is Often Not a Choice but Adopting a Victim Identity Is

We’ve all been victims at some point in our lives, whether of bullying, discrimination, abuse, or any other form of trauma. Unfortunately, falling prey to these ill-fated circumstances is often out of our control. However, what we do control is how we respond to these situations. While it’s true that being victimized is often not a choice, adopting a victim identity is. Victim typically...

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Opportunity Makes Crime Obsolete

The best crime fighting strategy is one that eliminates the motivation of the criminal

Crime doesn't just happen; rather, each crime happens for a reason. Crimes tend to be motivated by a few key overarching themes that inspire criminals to act criminally. Most criminal activity is inspired by greed to acquire something the criminal cannot otherwise attain or the desperation for survival. Other, less common motivations involve passion, rage, or simply a perverted desire to cause...

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Stop Treating Liberty as a Threat

It has become increasingly troubling to see a growing movement towards restricting freedom simply because some individuals feel unsafe or uncomfortable in a given situation. The notion that personal liberty poses a threat undermines the foundation of free societies, which are inherently safer and more prosperous due to their tendency to build high-trust communities. As we navigate an era where these...

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There Are No Crimes of the Mind Until They Become Harmful Action


As time moves forward many have become convinced that the mere act of thinking something deemed taboo is sufficient to condemn. As a result, an increasing percentage of our society is quickly becoming fearful of expressing their beliefs out of a desperate desire not to have those beliefs obliterate their friendships, prospects, careers or even lives.  Belief is fundamentally not a form of aggression....

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There Is a Profound Nobility in Crafting a Life That Has No Dependency on the Forced Sacrifice of Others

The ultimate charity is to need no charity

A near-ubiquitous prevailing opinion has formed throughout society based on the belief that a high morality is to dismiss all personal desire and craft an identity built around sacrifice for others. An inherent and inevitable byproduct of this belief system is the acceptance that when voluntary charity is not readily available the government has a reasonable mandate to leverage the use of force...

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Why Income Inequality Is Great

How Free Market Innovation Makes Everyone Better Off

The topic of income inequality often sparks heated debate, with many viewing it as inherently negative. However, there are compelling arguments that suggest income inequality can, in certain contexts, contribute positively to economic growth and innovation. Here’s why income inequality might not be as detrimental as it often appears: It's a common misconception that the economy is a zero-sum...

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The Socialism Sine Wave


This morning happened to be pondering about the rise in socialist ideology that has given birth to the power that Bernie Sanders has hitched his wagon to and is using to gain support. I've always thought of socialist thinking as a circular pattern resembling a sine wave in that as income inequality grows desire for socialism expands. However, the growth of socialism within a society comes at the...

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Inequality of Equality

Understanding difference of parity

Not all equality manifests identically. As a society we are often very focused on a concept of ubiquitous equality, however, first, we must understand that equality as a generic concept is impossible due to differentiation of egalitarian focus. There are several, often contradictory, types of equality. Understanding these categories of equality can be incredibly helpful in taking steps to adapt ideologies,...

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