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I've Grown To Loathe Social Media

Being Forced To Use The Giant Human Trash Bin Gets Tiring After A While

I was never a fan of the concept of social media from the beginning. I resisted signing up to Facebook for years longer than most. However, eventually, I felt that I had no choice as my lack of a social media presence became more and more of an anchor holding back both my social and professional life.

I've never been even remotely a troglodyte. I love cutting edge tech and engaging in new things. Social media, however, is my kryptonite. It is the thing that guards all my roads to success but makes me more and more miserable the more I use it.

Most Social Media Content Is Utterly Pointless

Lets be real, the vast vast majority of social media posting consists of pointless, repetitive, useless garbage dumped into the universe billions of times per day. Billions of selfies that look effectively the same as yesterday's selfies. Billions of random thoughts that are neither entertaining or informative. Social media has largely become a dumping ground for any thought that pops into anyone's head anywhere.

Social Media Often Feels Like Screaming Into A Void

Because of the above, posting on social media is like screaming into a vast expanse of nothingness. As frequency of useless content has skyrocketed our ability to parse out the actual useful content has diminished. For the vast majority of social media users the experience is largely similar to standing on a podium in an empty theatre waiting for applause.

Social Media Spreads Lies

On social media there is really no burden of credibility or proof. Anyone can make a claim about anything and if it is shared enough times that claim can easily become synonymous with truth, even if it was based in a shameless lie.

Social Media Makes The Extreme Seem Normal

Social media interaction almost always is largely dominated by those with extreme viewpoints. Go read any article with a comments section and it will be filled with endless toxicity. It becomes very easy for these extremists to band together in a way that would never be possible offline. This allows them to create the illusion that their toxic bullshit is not only acceptable but also representative of the norm.

Social Media Holds Unrestricted Social Power

Over the last few years the utter influencing power of the social media lynch mob has become a terrifying burden on society. Thanks to the ability for extremist viewpoints to pose as normal those individuals are able to subvert institutional justice by leveraging the court of public opinion. This capacity allows social media users to attack and punish the accused without any burden of proof often leading to the catastrophic destruction of the personal and professional lives of many seemingly innocent individuals.

Social Media Makes You Feel Like Your Life Sucks

Social media has become the land of the braggart. We all have become it. Almost everyone makes their lives seem much better than they are. On social media everyone seems to be living the perfect life and is always doing exciting and happy things. As a result we are all envious of everyone else living a life wondering why our life isn't as good as everyone else's.

Social Media Has Become An Arms Race Of Wasted Time

Social media is growing and continues to grow. Average use per day continues to rise as we become less and less invested in the actual world around us. An arms race has erupted that is forcing many professionals to waste more and more time marketing on social media or face becoming trivial in the eyes of their audience/market. This time is painfully unproductive.